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Management >> Accounting >> Marginal Cost

Liquidity Analysis Ratios

1 . Current ratio

Current Assets 
Current Liabilitites
(Cash, debtors receivable, bank acc, Inventory)  

2 Quick Ratio:
    Quick Assets
=  ------------------------ 
    Current Liabilities
(No inventory)

3 Net Working Capital Ratio 
Net Working Capital
Total Assets.

4. Acid Test Ratio

Profit Analysis Ratio

1. Return on Assets (ROA)
 Net Income
Aveg Total Assets

 Aveg total assets = 
starting Assets +Ending Assets
2. Return on Equity(ROE)

 Net Income
Aveg. Stockholders’ equity

3. Return on Common Equity(ROCE)

 Net Income
Aveg Common stockholder’s equity

4. Profit margin
 Net Income

5. Earning per share (EPS)
Net Income
No. of commons shares outstanding

Activity Analysis Ratio

1. Assets turnover ratio
Aveg total assets

2. Acc.receivable turnover ratio
Aveg acc receivable
3. Inventory Turnover ratio:

 Cost of goods sold
Aveg Inventories 

Capital Structure Analysis Ratio

1. Debt to Equity Ratio
Total liabilities
Total stockholder’s equity

2. Investment coverage ratio
Income b4 interest and IT expenses
Interest expense

Capital Market Analysis Ratio
1. Price Earning Ratio (PE)
Market price of common stock per share
Earning per share

2. Market to Book ratio
Market price of common stock per share
Book value of equity per common share

3. Dividend yield
Annual dividends per common share
Market price of equity per common stock per share

4. Divident payout ratio
Cash dividends 
net income 

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